Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A lil' thing I like to call Customer Service...

Everyone has encountered "Customer Service" whether your ass be poor or whether you drowning in the dow. Point is, when you purchase anything (whatsoever) you will have to speak to someone and that person is essentially offering you a service. This service is not free my dear, on the contrary, you are paying for it t
hrough what ever it is you just purchased through. This is part of the 'hidden costs" that are added on to your product to give you the impression that this sh*t is dope. This person will take your hand smile sometime even flirt with you, tell you how they will make sure that all your queries are taken care of.

Until you pay them. At that moment understand that you are now screwed.

Suddenly your package will take four weeks instead of the one week you agreed upon. The last blue car was taken before you put your signature on the thirty page document you had to sign and now, you a regular gym going muscle man, has to drive a pink 4x4. The flirt is now a look of disgust and the smile has turn into a grimace. All attempts to contact the person you spoke to is now greeted with I'll get back to you shortly and 'out of office replies'. Suddenly the on floor rookie sales person has there own secretary (strange since there was only a receptionist for the entire branch). Then you start getting angry...

You lose your cool, you write about it on your blog that all of two people subscribed to. Your Facebook status now reads: "To that incompetent fat cow that I dealt with at..... may you have as many restless night as I have trying to figure out how make you disappear from this planet". Every time you call, you cuss and scream and line gets cut... you call back calmer now. You have a slight change to your voice, you sound a lot more professional. You reque
st to speak to the manager, he claims that he never new your dissatisfaction and suddenly the problem you dealt with for the last month is straightened out by one phone call to the Manager.

And than you wonder why you pay for "Customer Services" in the first place...

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Yo! Is that... Swagger?

'Swagger' seems to be a american based style that for some reason to many, sounds cool. In fact should you look it up in the dictionary:

verb /ˈswagər/ 

swaggered, past participle; swaggered, past tense; swaggering, present participle; 

swaggers, 3rd person singular present

  1. Walk or behave in a very confident and typically arrogant or aggressive way
    • - he swaggered along the corridor
    • - a swaggering gait

Hell they even have a step to step guide on (

Now that in my book is deep.

Even Obama has swagger:

The only thing I can tell you for sure is that you've got to make time to perfect that swagger. It's not cheap and folks can spot a fake a mile on. So for all those who loves that swagger:

Monday, May 9, 2011

Gees Guy! I'm lame at this blogging thing...

So I was getting bored and then it dawned on me.

I have a blog...

Thursday, May 13, 2010

breaking through

it's that time when one has to catch up with the time lost. so here's my attempt. like it, hate it... this is all me and i'm sharing it with you.